Morgan 3-wheeler AAF 368 Purchased 1950 and used to pass test. Sold 1952.
Fiat Millecento Purchased Tripoli 1952. Sold in Libya.
Hispano Suiza 37.2 XH 8708 Purchased Cotswolds 1954. Sold to America 1957. Pictured Automobile Quarterly 1964. The Hispano clubs do not know where this car is now.
Bristol 406 1285 AP Purchased Bushey 1973. Still with us.
MG SA BRX 310 Purchased Petersfield 1954. Sold 1960.
Delahaye 135 CFR 229 Purchased London 1966. Sold 1978. New 2-seat body built by next owner.
Saab 96 SWT 531 R Purchased London 1977. Still with us.
Austin Westminster JFH 718 D Purchased Gloucester 1966. sold December 2015
Bristol 400 LHT 716 Purchased Hampshire 1960 Sold 1973. Now in Switzerland.
Mercedes 190. Q 359 OOT (was A 623 TGT) Purchased Surrey 1992. Still with us.
Hotchkiss 615 AUL 478 Purchased Hertfordshire 1987. Still with us.
Disintegrating 4 door saloon body removed stored for possible future restoration. New 2 door open body built up by Richard Williams in Gloucestershire and Philip Goss in the Isle of Wight.
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